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How to Get a Job Working for a Private Investigator

One of the most important skills you could learn is knowing how to apply for jobs for private investigators. Many people lack this crucial skill, and as a result, they fail to showcase their best traits when they submit their applications for detective jobs.

Another important skill that every private investigator should have is knowing how to run a business. There is no guarantee that you'll be employed, and even if you do, you may not enjoy the experience. Therefore, if the time comes to set up shop, you should know what you need to do to get private investigator jobs to make the venture profitable.

How To Apply For Jobs

A job application for a private detective job isn't just about expressing your interest in the job, it's also about showcasing the best side of you in just a few pages. First and foremost, you should have an updated CV that shows your achievements and their relevance to the investigator job.

Additionally, you should also know how to write a cover letter such that it creates a good impression on anyone who reads it. There are many places online where you can learn how to write a good cover letter and CV to increase your odds of, at least, being interviewed for the detective job.

When applying for private investigator jobs, you should pay attention to what is required when you submit your application. It's easy for your application to be overlooked because you left something out.

Submitting a speculative application for private investigators jobs isn't a bad idea either. Many places will keep your information in their records and may reach out at a suitable time in the future.

How To Join A Detective Agency

Getting an investigator job at an established detective agency may be a challenge for a number of reasons. If the agency has advertised a detective job, applying for the position should be straightforward. However, if the agency hasn't advertised any jobs for private investigators, it may be a little harder.

If you lack experience doing private investigator jobs, you can join the agency as an intern or an apprentice. Even if the position doesn't come with a salary, it can be an excellent opportunity to gain experience working on real detective jobs. You can leverage this when applying for detective jobs in the future. If your work is quite good, the agency may even decide to offer you a full-time investigator job.

The Difference Between Self-Employed Investigators And Employee Investigators

There are different ways for investigators to earn a living. Some choose to work on private detective jobs in agencies and companies, while others prefer to start their own agencies.

These two groups of investigators may have very different experiences. These differences include:

  • Freedom: The self-employed investigator will have much more freedom when working on investigator jobs. They'll be able to choose types of cases, clients, work hours etc. An employed investigator will not have this kind of freedom.
  • Sharing of Proceeds: The self-employed investigator will also be entitled to a larger share of the proceeds from working on detective jobs compared to their employed colleagues. This means that they have the potential to make more money.
  • Client base: If the agency isn't well-known, a self-employed investigator may not have many clients and the detective jobs may not be coming in consistently. This can severely affect their ability to earn and could mean earning below the £20,000-£25,000 range which is the average for those who do investigator jobs in the UK. An employed investigator may have more detective jobs to work on, depending on the employer.
  • Additional Expenses: The employed investigator may not have to worry about additional expenses, while the self-employed investigators will have to find money to pay the rent and utility bills every month.